Package-level declarations


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Creates a new AssignExpression with a = AssignExpression.operatorCode in the Fluent Node DSL and adds it to the nearest enclosing StatementHolder.

Creates a new BinaryOperator with a = BinaryOperator.operatorCode in the Fluent Node DSL and adds it to the nearest enclosing StatementHolder.

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Creates a new AssignExpression with a = AssignExpression.operatorCode in the Fluent Node DSL and adds it to the nearest enclosing StatementHolder.

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Creates a new AssignExpression with a += AssignExpression.operatorCode in the Fluent Node DSL and adds it to the nearest enclosing StatementHolder.

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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.block(needsScope: Boolean = true, init: Block.() -> Unit): Block

Creates a new Block in the Fluent Node DSL and sets it to the FunctionDeclaration.body of the nearest enclosing FunctionDeclaration. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.body(needsScope: Boolean = true, init: Block.() -> Unit): Block

Creates a new Block in the Fluent Node DSL and sets it to the FunctionDeclaration.body of the nearest enclosing FunctionDeclaration. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.breakStmt(label: String? = null): BreakStatement

Creates a new BreakStatement in the Fluent Node DSL and adds it to the nearest enclosing Holder, but only if it is an StatementHolder.

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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.call(name: CharSequence, isStatic: Boolean = false, init: CallExpression.() -> Unit? = null): CallExpression

Creates a new CallExpression (or MemberCallExpression) in the Fluent Node DSL with the given name and adds it to the nearest enclosing Holder. Depending on whether it is a StatementHolder it is added to the list of StatementHolder.statements or in case of an ArgumentHolder, the function ArgumentHolder.addArgument is invoked.

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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.case(caseExpression: Expression? = null): CaseStatement

Creates a new CaseStatement in the Fluent Node DSL and adds it to the nearest enclosing Holder, but only if it is an StatementHolder.

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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.cast(castType: Type, init: CastExpression.() -> Unit? = null): CastExpression
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Configures the IfStatement.condition in the Fluent Node DSL of the nearest enclosing IfStatement. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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fun Expression.conditional(condition: Expression, thenExpression: Expression, elseExpression: Expression): ConditionalExpression

Creates a new ConditionalExpression with a = BinaryOperator.operatorCode in the Fluent Node DSL and adds it to the nearest enclosing StatementHolder.

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Creates a new ConstructExpression in the Fluent Node DSL for the translation record/type with the given name and adds it to the nearest enclosing Holder. Depending on whether it is a StatementHolder it is added to the list of StatementHolder.statements or in case of an ArgumentHolder, the function ArgumentHolder.addArgument is invoked. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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Creates a new ConstructorDeclaration in the Fluent Node DSL for the enclosing RecordDeclaration. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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Creates a new ContinueStatement in the Fluent Node DSL and adds it to the nearest enclosing StatementHolder.

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operator fun Expression.dec(): UnaryOperator

Creates a new UnaryOperator with a -- UnaryOperator.operatorCode in the Fluent Node DSL and adds it to the nearest enclosing StatementHolder.

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Creates a new DeclarationStatement in the Fluent Node DSL and adds it to the StatementHolder.statements of the nearest enclosing StatementHolder. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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Creates a new DeclarationStatement in the Fluent Node DSL. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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Creates a new DefaultStatement in the Fluent Node DSL and adds it to the nearest enclosing StatementHolder.

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Creates a new BinaryOperator with a / BinaryOperator.operatorCode in the Fluent Node DSL and invokes ArgumentHolder.addArgument of the nearest enclosing ArgumentHolder.

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Configures the DoStatement.condition in the Fluent Node DSL of the nearest enclosing DoStatement. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.doStmt(needsScope: Boolean = true, init: DoStatement.() -> Unit): DoStatement

Creates a new DoStatement in the Fluent Node DSL and adds it to the StatementHolder.statements of the nearest enclosing StatementHolder. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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Creates a new IfStatement in the Fluent Node DSL and sets it to the IfStatement.elseStatement of the nearest enclosing IfStatement. This simulates an else-if scenario. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.elseStmt(needsScope: Boolean = true, init: Block.() -> Unit): Block

Creates a new Block in the Fluent Node DSL and sets it to the IfStatement.elseStatement of the nearest enclosing IfStatement. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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Creates a new BinaryOperator with a == BinaryOperator.operatorCode in the Fluent Node DSL and invokes ArgumentHolder.addArgument of the nearest enclosing ArgumentHolder.

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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.field(name: CharSequence, type: Type = unknownType(), init: FieldDeclaration.() -> Unit? = null): FieldDeclaration

Creates a new FieldDeclaration in the Fluent Node DSL with the given name and optional type. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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Creates a new ForEachStatement in the Fluent Node DSL and adds it to the StatementHolder.statements of the nearest enclosing StatementHolder. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.forStmt(initializer: DeclarationStatement, condition: Expression, iteration: Statement, elseStmt: Statement? = null, init: Block.() -> Unit): ForStatement

Creates a new ForStatement in the Fluent Node DSL and adds it to the StatementHolder.statements of the nearest enclosing StatementHolder. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.function(name: CharSequence, returnType: Type = unknownType(), returnTypes: List<Type>? = null, init: FunctionDeclaration.() -> Unit? = null): FunctionDeclaration

Creates a new FunctionDeclaration in the Fluent Node DSL with the given name and optional returnType. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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Creates a new BinaryOperator with a >= BinaryOperator.operatorCode in the Fluent Node DSL and invokes ArgumentHolder.addArgument of the nearest enclosing ArgumentHolder.

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Creates a new BinaryOperator with a > BinaryOperator.operatorCode in the Fluent Node DSL and invokes ArgumentHolder.addArgument of the nearest enclosing ArgumentHolder.

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Creates a new IfStatement in the Fluent Node DSL and adds it to the StatementHolder.statements of the nearest enclosing StatementHolder. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.ile(targetType: Type = unknownType(), init: InitializerListExpression.() -> Unit? = null): InitializerListExpression

Creates a new InitializerListExpression in the Fluent Node DSL and invokes ArgumentHolder.addArgument of the nearest enclosing Holder, but only if it is an ArgumentHolder.

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Creates a new IncludeDeclaration and adds it to the surrounding TranslationUnitDeclaration.

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operator fun UnaryOperator

Creates a new UnaryOperator with a ++ UnaryOperator.operatorCode in the Fluent Node DSL and invokes ArgumentHolder.addArgument of the nearest enclosing ArgumentHolder.

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Creates a new UnaryOperator with a ++ UnaryOperator.operatorCode in the Fluent Node DSL and invokes ArgumentHolder.addArgument of the nearest enclosing ArgumentHolder.

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Configures the ForStatement.initializerStatement in the Fluent Node DSL of the nearest enclosing ForStatement. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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Configures the ForEachStatement.iterable in the Fluent Node DSL of the nearest enclosing ForEachStatement. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.label(label: String, init: LabelStatement.() -> Statement? = null): LabelStatement

Creates a new LabelStatement in the Fluent Node DSL and adds it to the nearest enclosing StatementHolder.

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Creates a new BinaryOperator with a <= BinaryOperator.operatorCode in the Fluent Node DSL and invokes ArgumentHolder.addArgument of the nearest enclosing ArgumentHolder.

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This utility function tries to create a fake PhysicalLocation in order to somewhat differentiate the different nodes. This is primarily needed for the mermaid graph printer, which relies on Node.hashCode, which in turn relies on Node.location.

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fun <N> LanguageFrontend<*, *>.literal(value: N, type: Type = unknownType()): Literal<N>

Creates a new Literal in the Fluent Node DSL and invokes ArgumentHolder.addArgument of the nearest enclosing Holder, but only if it is an ArgumentHolder.

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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.loopBody(init: Block.() -> Unit): Block

Creates a new Block in the Fluent Node DSL and sets it to the LoopStatement.statement of the nearest enclosing LoopStatement. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.loopElseStmt(needsScope: Boolean = true, init: Block.() -> Unit): Block

Creates a new Block in the Fluent Node DSL and sets it to the LoopStatement.elseStatement of the nearest enclosing LoopStatement. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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Creates a new BinaryOperator with a < BinaryOperator.operatorCode in the Fluent Node DSL and invokes ArgumentHolder.addArgument of the nearest enclosing ArgumentHolder.

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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.member(name: CharSequence, base: Expression? = null, operatorCode: String = "."): MemberExpression

Creates a new MemberExpression in the Fluent Node DSL and invokes ArgumentHolder.addArgument of the nearest enclosing Holder, but only if it is an ArgumentHolder. If the name doesn't already contain a fqn, we add an implicit "this" as base.

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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.memberCall(localName: CharSequence, base: Expression, isStatic: Boolean = false, init: MemberCallExpression.() -> Unit? = null): MemberCallExpression

Creates a new CallExpression (or MemberCallExpression) in the Fluent Node DSL with the given localName and adds it to the nearest enclosing Holder. Depending on whether it is a StatementHolder it is added to the list of StatementHolder.statements or in case of an ArgumentHolder, the function ArgumentHolder.addArgument is invoked.

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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.memberOrRef(name: Name, type: Type = unknownType()): Expression
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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.method(name: CharSequence, returnType: Type = unknownType(), init: MethodDeclaration.() -> Unit? = null): MethodDeclaration

Creates a new MethodDeclaration in the Fluent Node DSL with the given name and optional returnType. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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Creates a new BinaryOperator with a - BinaryOperator.operatorCode in the Fluent Node DSL and invokes ArgumentHolder.addArgument of the nearest enclosing ArgumentHolder.

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Creates a new NamespaceDeclaration in the Fluent Node DSL with the given name. The declaration will be set to the ScopeManager.globalScope. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.new(init: NewExpression.() -> Unit? = null): NewExpression
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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.param(name: CharSequence, type: Type = unknownType(), init: ParameterDeclaration.() -> Unit? = null): ParameterDeclaration

Creates a new ParameterDeclaration in the Fluent Node DSL and adds it to the FunctionDeclaration.parameters of the nearest enclosing FunctionDeclaration. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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Creates a new BinaryOperator with a + BinaryOperator.operatorCode in the Fluent Node DSL and invokes ArgumentHolder.addArgument of the nearest enclosing ArgumentHolder.

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operator fun Expression.plusAssign(rhs: Expression)

Creates a new BinaryOperator with a + BinaryOperator.operatorCode in the Fluent Node DSL and adds it to the nearest enclosing StatementHolder.

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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.problemDecl(description: String, type: ProblemNode.ProblemType = ProblemNode.ProblemType.TRANSLATION, init: ProblemDeclaration.() -> Unit? = null): ProblemDeclaration

Creates a new ProblemDeclaration in the Fluent Node DSL and adds it to the DeclarationStatement.declarations of the nearest enclosing DeclarationStatement. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.record(name: CharSequence, kind: String = "class", init: RecordDeclaration.() -> Unit): RecordDeclaration

Creates a new RecordDeclaration in the Fluent Node DSL with the given name. The declaration will be set to the ScopeManager.currentRecord. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.ref(name: CharSequence, type: Type = unknownType(), makeMagic: Boolean = true, init: Reference.() -> Unit? = null): Reference

Creates a new Reference in the Fluent Node DSL and invokes ArgumentHolder.addArgument of the nearest enclosing Holder, but only if it is an ArgumentHolder.

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Creates a new UnaryOperator with a & UnaryOperator.operatorCode in the Fluent Node DSL and invokes ArgumentHolder.addArgument of the nearest enclosing ArgumentHolder.

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Creates a new BinaryOperator with a + BinaryOperator.operatorCode in the Fluent Node DSL and invokes ArgumentHolder.addArgument of the nearest enclosing ArgumentHolder.

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Creates a new ReturnStatement in the Fluent Node DSL and adds it to the StatementHolder.statements of the nearest enclosing StatementHolder. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.switchBody(init: Block.() -> Unit): Block

Creates a new Block in the Fluent Node DSL and sets it to the SwitchStatement.statement of the nearest enclosing SwitchStatement. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.switchStmt(selector: Expression, needsScope: Boolean = true, init: SwitchStatement.() -> Unit): SwitchStatement

Creates a new SwitchStatement in the Fluent Node DSL and adds it to the StatementHolder.statements of the nearest enclosing StatementHolder. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.t(name: CharSequence, generics: List<Type> = listOf()): Type

Creates a new Type with the given name in the Fluent Node DSL.

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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.thenStmt(needsScope: Boolean = true, init: Block.() -> Unit): Block

Creates a new Block in the Fluent Node DSL and sets it to the IfStatement.thenStatement of the nearest enclosing IfStatement. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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Creates a new ThrowExpression in the Fluent Node DSL and adds it to the nearest enclosing StatementHolder.

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Creates a new BinaryOperator with a * BinaryOperator.operatorCode in the Fluent Node DSL and invokes ArgumentHolder.addArgument of the nearest enclosing ArgumentHolder.

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Creates a new TranslationUnitDeclaration in the Fluent Node DSL with the given name. The declaration will be set to the ScopeManager.globalScope. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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Creates a new UnaryOperator with a - UnaryOperator.operatorCode in the Fluent Node DSL and invokes ArgumentHolder.addArgument of the nearest enclosing ArgumentHolder.

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Configures the ForEachStatement.variable in the Fluent Node DSL of the nearest enclosing ForEachStatement. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.variable(name: String, type: Type = unknownType(), init: VariableDeclaration.() -> Unit? = null): VariableDeclaration

Creates a new VariableDeclaration in the Fluent Node DSL and adds it to the DeclarationStatement.declarations of the nearest enclosing DeclarationStatement. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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Creates a new IncompleteType in the Fluent Node DSL.

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Configures the WhileStatement.condition in the Fluent Node DSL of the nearest enclosing WhileStatement. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.

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fun LanguageFrontend<*, *>.whileStmt(needsScope: Boolean = true, init: WhileStatement.() -> Unit): WhileStatement

Creates a new WhileStatement in the Fluent Node DSL and adds it to the StatementHolder.statements of the nearest enclosing StatementHolder. The init block can be used to create further sub-nodes as well as configuring the created node itself.