
class Name(val localName: String, val parent: Name? = null, val delimiter: String = ".") : Cloneable, Comparable<Name> , CharSequence

This class represents anything that can have a "Name". In the simplest case it only represents a local name in a flat hierarchy, such as myVariable. However, it can also be used to represent fully qualified name with a complex name hierarchy, such as my::namespace::function.


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constructor(localName: String, parent: Name? = null, language: Language<*>?)
constructor(localName: String, parent: Name? = null, delimiter: String = ".")


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object Companion


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A potential namespace delimiter, usually either . or ::.

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Checks whether the name for a function (as CharSequence) is a known operator name.

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open override val length: Int
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The local name (sometimes also called simple name) without any namespace information.

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val parent: Name? = null

The parent name, e.g., the namespace this name lives in.


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fun append(s: String): Name

This function appends a string to the local name and returns a new Name.

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open override fun clone(): Name
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open operator override fun compareTo(other: Name): Int

Compare names according to the string representation of the fullName.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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fun Name?.fqn(localName: String, delimiter: String = this?.delimiter ?: "."): Name

Returns a new Name based on the localName and the current name as parent.

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open operator override fun get(index: Int): Char
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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A name can be considered as "qualified", if it has any specified parent. Otherwise, only the localName is specified and the name is "unqualified".

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Determines if this name ends with the ending (i.e., the localNames match until the ending has no parent anymore).

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fun replace(oldValue: String, newValue: String): Name

This functions replaces all occurrences of oldValue with newValue in the local name and returns a new Name.

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open override fun subSequence(startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int): CharSequence
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open override fun toString(): String

Returns the string representation of this name using a fully qualified name notation with the specified delimiter.