Source code for

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: AISEC Pentesting Team
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
from asyncio import Task
from datetime import UTC, datetime
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from gallia.db.log import LogMode
from gallia.log import get_logger
from gallia.powersupply import PowerSupply
from import service
from import UDSClient, UDSRequestConfig
from import DataIdentifier
from import (
from import from_bytes, g_repr
from import (
from gallia.transports.base import BaseTransport

    from gallia.db.handler import DBHandler

class ECUState:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.session = 1
        self.security_access_level: int | None = None

    def reset(self) -> None:
        self.session = 1
        self.security_access_level = None

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f'{type(self).__name__}({", ".join(f"{key}={g_repr(value)}" for key, value in self.__dict__.items())})'

logger = get_logger("gallia.uds.ecu")

[docs] class ECU(UDSClient): """ECU is a high level interface wrapping a UDSClient class. It provides semantically correct higher level interfaces such as read_session() or ping(). Vendor specific implementations can be derived from this class. For the arguments of the constructor, please check uds.uds.UDS. """ OEM = "default" def __init__( self, transport: BaseTransport, timeout: float, max_retry: int = 1, power_supply: PowerSupply | None = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(transport, timeout, max_retry) self.tester_present_task: Task[None] | None = None self.tester_present_interval: float | None = None self.power_supply = power_supply self.state = ECUState() self.db_handler: DBHandler | None = None self.implicit_logging = True async def connect(self) -> None: ... async def properties( self, fresh: bool = False, config: UDSRequestConfig | None = None ) -> dict[str, Any]: return {}
[docs] async def ping( self, config: UDSRequestConfig | None = None ) -> service.NegativeResponse | service.TesterPresentResponse: """Send an UDS TesterPresent message. Returns: UDS response. """ return await self.tester_present(suppress_response=False, config=config)
[docs] async def read_session(self, config: UDSRequestConfig | None = None) -> int: """Read out current session. Returns: The current session as int. """ resp = await self.read_data_by_identifier( DataIdentifier.ActiveDiagnosticSessionDataIdentifier, config=config ) if isinstance(resp, service.NegativeResponse): raise as_exception(resp) return from_bytes(resp.data_record)
[docs] async def set_session_pre(self, level: int, config: UDSRequestConfig | None = None) -> bool: """set_session_pre() is called before the diagnostic session control pdu is written on the wire. Implement this if there are special preconditions for a particular session, such as disabling error logging. Args: uds: The UDSClient class where this hook is embedded. The caller typically calls this function with `self` as the first argument. session: The desired session identifier. Returns: True on success, False on error. """ return True
[docs] async def set_session_post(self, level: int, config: UDSRequestConfig | None = None) -> bool: """set_session_post() is called after the diagnostic session control pdu was written on the wire. Implement this if there are special cleanup routines or sleeping until a certain moment is required. Args: uds: The UDSClient class where this hook is embedded. The caller typically calls this function with `self` as the first argument. session: The desired session identifier. Returns: True on success, False on error. """ return True
[docs] async def check_and_set_session( self, expected_session: int, retries: int = 3, ) -> bool: """check_and_set_session() reads the current session and (re)tries to set the session to the expected session if they do not match. Returns True if the current session matches the expected session, or if read_session is not supported by the ECU or in the current session.""" logger.debug(f"Checking current session, expecting {g_repr(expected_session)}") try: current_session = await self.read_session(config=UDSRequestConfig(max_retry=retries)) except UnexpectedNegativeResponse as e: if suggests_identifier_not_supported(e.RESPONSE_CODE): f"Read current session not supported: {}, skipping check_session" ) return True raise e except TimeoutError: logger.warning("Reading current session timed out, skipping check_session") return True logger.debug(f"Current session is {g_repr(current_session)}") if current_session == expected_session: return True for i in range(retries): logger.warning( f"Not in session {g_repr(expected_session)}, ECU replied with {g_repr(current_session)}" ) f"Switching to session {g_repr(expected_session)}; attempt {i + 1} of {retries}" ) resp = await self.set_session(expected_session) if isinstance(resp, service.NegativeResponse): logger.warning(f"Switching to session {g_repr(expected_session)} failed: {resp}") try: current_session = await self.read_session( config=UDSRequestConfig(max_retry=retries) ) logger.debug(f"Current session is {g_repr(current_session)}") if current_session == expected_session: return True except UnexpectedNegativeResponse as e: if suggests_identifier_not_supported(e.RESPONSE_CODE): f"Read current session not supported: {}, skipping check_session" ) return True raise e except TimeoutError: logger.warning("Reading current session timed out, skipping check_session") return True logger.warning( f"Failed to switch to session {g_repr(expected_session)} after {retries} attempts" ) return False
async def power_cycle(self, sleep: int = 5) -> bool: if self.power_supply is None: logger.debug("no power_supply available") return False async def callback() -> None: await self.wait_for_ecu() await self.power_supply.power_cycle(sleep, callback) self.state.reset() return True
[docs] async def leave_session( self, level: int, config: UDSRequestConfig | None = None, sleep: int | None = None, ) -> bool: """leave_session() is a hook which can be called explicitly by a scanner when a session is to be disabled. Use this hook if resetting the ECU is required, e.g. when disabling the programming session. """ resp: service.UDSResponse = await self.ecu_reset(0x01) if isinstance(resp, service.NegativeResponse): if sleep is not None: await self.power_cycle(sleep=sleep) else: await self.power_cycle() await self.reconnect() await self.wait_for_ecu() resp = await self.set_session(0x01, config=config) if isinstance(resp, service.NegativeResponse): if sleep is not None: await self.power_cycle(sleep=sleep) else: await self.power_cycle() await self.reconnect() return True
async def set_session( self, level: int, config: UDSRequestConfig | None = None, use_db: bool = True, ) -> service.NegativeResponse | service.DiagnosticSessionControlResponse: config = config if config is not None else UDSRequestConfig() if not config.skip_hooks: await self.set_session_pre(level, config=config) resp = await self.diagnostic_session_control(level, config=config) if isinstance(resp, service.NegativeResponse) and self.db_handler is not None and use_db: logger.debug("Could not switch to session. Trying with database transitions ...") if self.db_handler is not None: steps = await self.db_handler.get_session_transition(level) logger.debug(f"Found the following steps in database: {steps}") if steps is not None: for step in steps: await self.set_session(step, use_db=False) resp = await self.diagnostic_session_control(level, config=config) if not isinstance(resp, service.NegativeResponse) and not config.skip_hooks: await self.set_session_post(level, config=config) return resp
[docs] async def read_dtc( self, config: UDSRequestConfig | None = None ) -> service.NegativeResponse | service.ReportDTCByStatusMaskResponse: """Read all dtc records from the ecu.""" return await self.read_dtc_information_report_dtc_by_status_mask(0xFF, config=config)
[docs] async def clear_dtc( self, config: UDSRequestConfig | None = None ) -> service.NegativeResponse | service.ClearDiagnosticInformationResponse: """Clear all dtc records on the ecu.""" return await self.clear_diagnostic_information(0xFFFFFF, config=config)
[docs] async def read_vin( self, config: UDSRequestConfig | None = None ) -> service.NegativeResponse | service.ReadDataByIdentifierResponse: """Read the VIN of the vehicle""" return await self.read_data_by_identifier(0xF190, config=config)
[docs] async def transmit_data( self, data: bytes, block_length: int, max_block_length: int = 0xFFF, config: UDSRequestConfig | None = None, ) -> None: """transmit_data splits the data to be sent in several blocks of size block_length, transfers all of them and concludes the transmission with RequestTransferExit""" if block_length > max_block_length: logger.warning(f"Limiting block size to {g_repr(max_block_length)}") block_length = max_block_length # block_length includes the service identifier and block counter; payload must be smaller payload_size = block_length - 2 counter = 0 for i in range(0, len(data), payload_size): counter += 1 payload = data[i : i + payload_size] logger.debug( f"Transferring block {g_repr(counter)} " f"with payload size {g_repr(len(payload))}" ) resp: service.UDSResponse = await self.transfer_data( counter & 0xFF, payload, config=config ) raise_for_error(resp, f"Transmitting data failed at index {g_repr(i)}") resp = await self.request_transfer_exit(config=config) raise_for_error(resp)
async def _wait_for_ecu(self, sleep_time: float) -> None: """Internal method with endless loop in case of no answer from ECU""" config = UDSRequestConfig(timeout=0.5, max_retry=1, skip_hooks=True)"waiting for ECU…") while True: try: await asyncio.sleep(sleep_time) await break except (ConnectionError, UDSException) as e: logger.debug(f"ECU not ready: {e!r}") await self.reconnect()"ECU ready")
[docs] async def wait_for_ecu( self, timeout: float | None = None, ) -> bool: """Wait for ecu to be alive again (e.g. after reset). Sends a ping every 0.5s and waits at most timeout""" if self.tester_present_task and self.tester_present_interval: await self.stop_cyclic_tester_present() t = timeout if timeout is not None else self.timeout try: await asyncio.wait_for(self._wait_for_ecu(0.5), timeout=t) return True except TimeoutError: logger.critical("Timeout while waiting for ECU!") return False finally: if self.tester_present_task and self.tester_present_interval: await self.start_cyclic_tester_present(self.tester_present_interval)
async def _tester_present_worker(self, interval: float) -> None: assert self.transport logger.debug("tester present worker started") task = asyncio.current_task() while task is not None and task.cancelling() == 0: try: await asyncio.sleep(interval) # TODO Only ping if there was no other UDS traffic for `interval` amount of time await except asyncio.CancelledError: logger.debug("tester present worker terminated") raise except ConnectionError:"connection lost; tester present waiting…") except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Tester present worker got {e!r}") logger.debug("Tester present worker was cancelled but received no asyncio.CancelledError") async def start_cyclic_tester_present(self, interval: float) -> None: logger.debug("Starting tester present worker") self.tester_present_interval = interval coroutine = self._tester_present_worker(interval) self.tester_present_task = asyncio.create_task(coroutine) # enforce context switch # this ensures, that the task is executed at least once # if the task is not executed, task.cancel will fail with CancelledError await asyncio.sleep(0) async def stop_cyclic_tester_present(self) -> None: logger.debug("Stopping tester present worker") if self.tester_present_task is None: logger.warning("BUG: stop_cyclic_tester_present() called but no task running") return self.tester_present_task.cancel() try: await self.tester_present_task except asyncio.CancelledError: pass async def update_state( self, request: service.UDSRequest, response: service.UDSResponse ) -> None: if isinstance(response, service.DiagnosticSessionControlResponse): self.state.reset() self.state.session = response.diagnostic_session_type if ( isinstance(response, service.ReadDataByIdentifierResponse) and response.data_identifier == DataIdentifier.ActiveDiagnosticSessionDataIdentifier ): new_session = int.from_bytes(response.data_record, "big") if self.state.session != new_session: self.state.reset() self.state.session = new_session if ( isinstance(response, service.SecurityAccessResponse) and response.security_access_type % 2 == 0 ): self.state.security_access_level = response.security_access_type - 1 if isinstance(response, service.ECUResetResponse): self.state.reset()
[docs] async def refresh_state(self, reset_state: bool = False) -> None: """ Refresh the attributes of the ECU states, if possible. By, default, old values are only overwritten in case the corresponding information can be requested from the ECU and could be retrieved from a positive response from the ECU. :param reset_state: If True, the ECU state is reset before updating it. """ if reset_state: self.state.reset() await self.read_session()
async def _request( self, request: service.UDSRequest, config: UDSRequestConfig | None = None ) -> service.UDSResponse: """Sends a raw UDS request and returns the response. Network errors are handled via exponential backoff. Pending errors, triggered by the ECU are resolved as well. :param request: request to send :param config: The request config parameters :return: The response. """ response = None exception: Exception | None = None send_time = receive_time = None try: response = await super()._request(request, config) receive_time = return response except ResponseException as e: exception = e response = e.response raise except Exception as e: exception = e raise finally: try: if self.implicit_logging and self.db_handler is not None: mode = LogMode.implicit if config is not None and config.tags is not None and "ANALYZE" in config.tags: mode = LogMode.emphasized await self.db_handler.insert_scan_result( self.state.__dict__, service.UDSRequest.parse_dynamic(request.pdu), response, exception, send_time, receive_time, mode, ) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Could not log messages to database: {g_repr(e)}") if response is not None: await self.update_state(request, response)