Source code for

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: AISEC Pentesting Team
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from enum import IntEnum, unique

[docs] @unique class UDSIsoServices(IntEnum): ShowCurrentData = 0x01 ShowFreezeFrameData = 0x02 ShowStoredDiagnosticTroubleCodes = 0x03 ClearDiagnosticTroubleCodesAndStoredValues = 0x04 TestResultsOxygenSensorMonitoring = 0x05 TestResultsOtherComponentSystemMonitoring = 0x06 ShowPendingDiagnosticTroubleCodes = 0x07 ControlOperationOfOnBoardComponentSystem = 0x08 RequestVehicleInformation = 0x09 PermanentDiagnosticTroubleCodes = 0x0A DiagnosticSessionControl = 0x10 EcuReset = 0x11 SecurityAccess = 0x27 CommunicationControl = 0x28 TesterPresent = 0x3E Authentication = 0x29 AccessTimingParameter = 0x83 SecuredDataTransmission = 0x84 ControlDTCSetting = 0x85 ResponseOnEvent = 0x86 LinkControl = 0x87 ReadDataByIdentifier = 0x22 ReadMemoryByAddress = 0x23 ReadScalingDataByIdentifier = 0x24 ReadDataByPeriodicIdentifier = 0x2A DynamicallyDefineDataIdentifier = 0x2C WriteDataByIdentifier = 0x2E WriteMemoryByAddress = 0x3D ClearDiagnosticInformation = 0x14 ReadDTCInformation = 0x19 InputOutputControlByIdentifier = 0x2F RoutineControl = 0x31 RequestDownload = 0x34 RequestUpload = 0x35 TransferData = 0x36 RequestTransferExit = 0x37 RequestFileTransfer = 0x38 NegativeResponse = 0x7F
[docs] @unique class UDSErrorCodes(IntEnum): generalReject = 0x10 serviceNotSupported = 0x11 subFunctionNotSupported = 0x12 incorrectMessageLengthOrInvalidFormat = 0x13 responseTooLong = 0x14 busyRepeatRequest = 0x21 conditionsNotCorrect = 0x22 requestSequenceError = 0x24 noResponseFromSubnetComponent = 0x25 failurePreventsExecutionOfRequestedAction = 0x26 requestOutOfRange = 0x31 securityAccessDenied = 0x33 authenticationRequired = 0x34 invalidKey = 0x35 exceededNumberOfAttempts = 0x36 requiredTimeDelayNotExpired = 0x37 secureDataTransmissionRequired = 0x38 secureDataTransmissionNotAllowed = 0x39 secureDataVerificationFailed = 0x3A certificateVerificationFailedInvalidTimePeriod = 0x50 certificateVerificationFailedInvalidSignature = 0x51 certificateVerificationFailedInvalidChainOfTrust = 0x52 certificateVerificationFailedInvalidType = 0x53 certificateVerificationFailedInvalidFormat = 0x54 certificateVerificationFailedInvalidContent = 0x55 certificateVerificationFailedInvalidScope = 0x56 certificateVerificationFailedInvalidCertificateRevoked = 0x57 ownershipVerificationFailed = 0x58 challengeCalculationFailed = 0x59 settingAccessRightsFailed = 0x5A sessionKeyCreationOrDerivationFailed = 0x5B configurationDataUsageFailed = 0x5C deAuthenticationFailed = 0x5D uploadDownloadNotAccepted = 0x70 transferDataSuspended = 0x71 generalProgrammingFailure = 0x72 wrongBlockSequenceCounter = 0x73 requestCorrectlyReceivedResponsePending = 0x78 subFunctionNotSupportedInActiveSession = 0x7E serviceNotSupportedInActiveSession = 0x7F rpmTooHigh = 0x81 rpmTooLow = 0x82 engineIsRunning = 0x83 engineIsNotRunning = 0x84 engineRunTimeTooLow = 0x85 temperatureTooHigh = 0x86 temperatureTooLow = 0x87 vehicleSpeedTooHigh = 0x88 vehicleSpeedTooLow = 0x89 throttlePedalTooHigh = 0x8A throttlePedalTooLow = 0x8B transmissionRangeNotInNeutral = 0x8C transmissionRangeNotInGear = 0x8D brakeSwitchNotClosed = 0x8F shifterLeverNotInPark = 0x90 torqueConverterClutchLocked = 0x91 voltageTooHigh = 0x92 voltageTooLow = 0x93 resourceTemporarilyNotAvailable = 0x94 vehicleManufacturerSpecificConditionsNotCorrectF0 = 0xF0 vehicleManufacturerSpecificConditionsNotCorrectF1 = 0xF1 vehicleManufacturerSpecificConditionsNotCorrectF2 = 0xF2 vehicleManufacturerSpecificConditionsNotCorrectF3 = 0xF3 vehicleManufacturerSpecificConditionsNotCorrectF4 = 0xF4 vehicleManufacturerSpecificConditionsNotCorrectF5 = 0xF5 vehicleManufacturerSpecificConditionsNotCorrectF6 = 0xF6 vehicleManufacturerSpecificConditionsNotCorrectF7 = 0xF7 vehicleManufacturerSpecificConditionsNotCorrectF8 = 0xF8 vehicleManufacturerSpecificConditionsNotCorrectF9 = 0xF9 vehicleManufacturerSpecificConditionsNotCorrectFA = 0xFA vehicleManufacturerSpecificConditionsNotCorrectFB = 0xFB vehicleManufacturerSpecificConditionsNotCorrectFC = 0xFC vehicleManufacturerSpecificConditionsNotCorrectFD = 0xFD vehicleManufacturerSpecificConditionsNotCorrectFE = 0xFE
@unique class DiagnosticSessionControlSubFuncs(IntEnum): defaultSession = 0x01 programmingSession = 0x02 extendedDiagnosticSession = 0x03 safetySystemDiagnosticSession = 0x04 @unique class RoutineControlSubFuncs(IntEnum): startRoutine = 0x01 stopRoutine = 0x02 requestRoutineResults = 0x03 @unique class CCSubFuncs(IntEnum): enableRxAndTx = 0x00 enableRxAndDisableTx = 0x01 disableRxAndEnableTx = 0x02 disableRxAndTx = 0x03 # Plus vendor specific stuff... @unique class CDTCSSubFuncs(IntEnum): ON = 0x01 OFF = 0x02 # Plus vendor specific stuff... @unique class ReadDTCInformationSubFuncs(IntEnum): reportNumberOfDTCByStatusMask = 0x01 reportDTCByStatusMask = 0x02 reportSupportedDTC = 0x0A reportFirstTestFailedDTC = 0x0B reportFirstConfirmedDTC = 0x0C reportMostRecentTestFailedDTC = 0x0D reportMostRecentConfirmedDTC = 0x0E reportMirrorMemoryDTCByStatusMask = 0x0F reportNumberOfMirrorMemoryDTCByStatusMask = 0x11 reportNumberOfEmissionsRelatedOBDDTCByStatusMask = 0x12 reportEmissionsRelatedOBDDTCByStatusMask = 0x13 reportDTCFaultDetectionCounter = 0x14 reportDTCWithPermanentStatus = 0x15 @unique class EcuResetSubFuncs(IntEnum): hardReset = 0x01 keyOffOnReset = 0x02 softReset = 0x03 enableRapidPowerShutDown = 0x04 disableRapidPowerShutDown = 0x05 @unique class InputOutputControlParameter(IntEnum): returnControlToECU = 0x00 resetToDefault = 0x01 freezeCurrentState = 0x02 shortTermAdjustment = 0x03 @unique class DTCFormatIdentifier(IntEnum): # ISO15031-6DTCFormat ISO_15031_6 = 0x00 # ISO14229-1DTCFormat ISO_14229_1 = 0x01 # SAEJ1939-73DTCFormat SAE_J1939_73 = 0x02 # ISO11992-4DTCFormat ISO_11992_4 = 0x03 # This dictionary maps UDS services to the echo length of their responses. # Echos in that context are values which are identical to the corresponding entry in a request. # Therefore they can be used to match responses to requests but are not adding any new information. # Some services (e.g. rdbi) can accept more data records in a request and response accordingly. # In that case there can be several echos. However, as of the time of writing, multiple data # records are not considered in the rest of the code. # For a complete handling one might need to transfer this to a function. UDSIsoServicesEchoLength = { UDSIsoServices.DiagnosticSessionControl: 1, UDSIsoServices.EcuReset: 1, UDSIsoServices.SecurityAccess: 1, UDSIsoServices.CommunicationControl: 1, UDSIsoServices.TesterPresent: 1, UDSIsoServices.AccessTimingParameter: 1, UDSIsoServices.ControlDTCSetting: 1, UDSIsoServices.ResponseOnEvent: 1, # There are a number of echos but only one byte is a prefix UDSIsoServices.LinkControl: 1, UDSIsoServices.ReadDataByIdentifier: 2, UDSIsoServices.ReadScalingDataByIdentifier: 2, UDSIsoServices.ReadDataByPeriodicIdentifier: 1, # This one is a little weird UDSIsoServices.DynamicallyDefineDataIdentifier: 3, UDSIsoServices.WriteDataByIdentifier: 2, # This one would require to parse the addressAndLengthFormatIdentifier field # UDSIsoServices.WriteMemoryByAddress: None, UDSIsoServices.ReadDTCInformation: 1, UDSIsoServices.InputOutputControlByIdentifier: 2, UDSIsoServices.RoutineControl: 3, UDSIsoServices.TransferData: 1, } @unique class DataIdentifier(IntEnum): ActiveDiagnosticSessionDataIdentifier = 0xF186