Source code for gallia.plugins

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: AISEC Pentesting Team
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from __future__ import annotations

import argparse
from import Callable
from importlib.metadata import EntryPoint, entry_points
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TypedDict

from import ECU
from gallia.transports import BaseTransport, TargetURI, registry

    from gallia.command import BaseCommand

[docs] class Parsers(TypedDict): siblings: dict[str, Parsers] parser: argparse.ArgumentParser subparsers: argparse._SubParsersAction[argparse.ArgumentParser]
[docs] def load_ecu_plugin_eps() -> list[EntryPoint]: """Loads the ``gallia_uds_ecus`` entry_point.""" eps = entry_points() return list("gallia_uds_ecus"))
[docs] def load_ecu_plugins() -> list[type[ECU]]: """Loads the ``gallia_uds_ecus`` entry_point and imports the ecu classes with some sanity checks.""" ecus = [] for ep in load_ecu_plugin_eps(): for t in ep.load(): if not issubclass(t, ECU): raise ValueError(f"entry_point {t} not derived from ECU") ecus.append(t) return ecus
[docs] def load_ecu(vendor: str) -> type[ECU]: """Selects an ecu class depending on a vendor string. The lookup is performed in builtin ecus and all classes behind the ``gallia_uds_ecus`` entry_point. The vendor string ``default`` selects a generic ECU. """ if vendor == "default": return ECU for ecu in load_ecu_plugins(): if vendor == ecu.OEM: return ecu raise ValueError(f"no such OEM: '{vendor}'")
[docs] def load_command_plugin_eps() -> list[EntryPoint]: """Loads the ``gallia_commands`` entry_point.""" eps = entry_points() return list("gallia_commands"))
[docs] def load_command_plugins() -> list[type[BaseCommand]]: """Loads the ``gallia_commands`` entry_point and imports the command classes with some sanity checks.""" out = [] for ep in load_command_plugin_eps(): for t in ep.load(): # TODO: Find out how to avoid the circular dep. # if not issubclass(t, BaseCommand): # raise ValueError(f"{type(t)} not derived from BaseCommand") out.append(t) return out
[docs] def load_cli_init_plugin_eps() -> list[EntryPoint]: """Loads the ``gallia_cli_init`` entry_point.""" eps = entry_points() return list("gallia_cli_init"))
[docs] def load_cli_init_plugins() -> list[Callable[[Parsers], None]]: """Loads the ``gallia_cli_init`` entry_point and imports the functions behind it.""" out = [] for entry in load_cli_init_plugin_eps(): out.append(entry.load()) return out
[docs] def load_transport_plugin_eps() -> list[EntryPoint]: """Loads the ``gallia_transports`` entry_point.""" eps = entry_points() return list("gallia_transports"))
[docs] def load_transport_plugins() -> list[type[BaseTransport]]: """Loads the ``gallia_transports`` entry_point and imports the transport classes with some sanity checks. """ out = [] for ep in load_transport_plugin_eps(): for t in ep.load(): if not issubclass(t, BaseTransport): raise ValueError(f"{type(t)} not derived from BaseTransport") out.append(t) return out
[docs] def load_transport(target: TargetURI) -> type[BaseTransport]: """Selects a transport class depending on a TargetURI. The lookup is performed in builtin transports and all classes behind the ``gallia_transports`` entry_point. """ transports = registry[:] transports += load_transport_plugins() for transport in transports: if target.scheme == transport.SCHEME: return transport raise ValueError(f"no transport for {target}")
[docs] def add_cli_group( # noqa: PLR0913 parent: Parsers, group: str, help_: str, metavar: str, description: str | None = None, epilog: str | None = None, ) -> None: """Adds a group to the gallia CLI interface. The arguments correspond to the arguments of :meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument()`. The ``parent`` argument must contain the relevant entry point to the cli parse tree. The parse tree is passed to the entry_point ``gallia_cli_init``. """ parser = parent["subparsers"].add_parser( group, help=help_, description=description, epilog=epilog, ) parser.set_defaults(usage_func=parser.print_usage) parser.set_defaults(help_func=parser.print_help) parent["siblings"][group] = { "siblings": {}, "parser": parser, "subparsers": parser.add_subparsers(metavar=metavar), }