Source code for gallia.command.uds

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: AISEC Pentesting Team
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import json
from argparse import ArgumentParser, BooleanOptionalAction, Namespace

import aiofiles

from gallia.command.base import FileNames, Scanner
from gallia.config import Config
from gallia.log import get_logger
from gallia.plugins import load_ecu, load_ecu_plugins
from import NegativeResponse, UDSResponse
from import ECU
from import raise_for_error

logger = get_logger("gallia.base.udsscan")

[docs] class UDSScanner(Scanner): """UDSScanner is a baseclass, particularly for scanning tasks related to the UDS protocol. The differences to Scanner are: - `self.ecu` contains a OEM specific UDS client object. - A background tasks sends TesterPresent regularly to avoid timeouts. """ GROUP = "scan" SUBGROUP: str | None = "uds" def __init__(self, parser: ArgumentParser, config: Config = Config()) -> None: super().__init__(parser, config) self.ecu: ECU self._implicit_logging = True def configure_class_parser(self) -> None: super().configure_class_parser() group = self.parser.add_argument_group("UDS scanner related arguments") choices = ["default"] + [x.OEM for x in load_ecu_plugins()] group.add_argument( "--ecu-reset", const=0x01, nargs="?", default=self.config.get_value("gallia.protocols.uds.ecu_reset"), help="Trigger an initial ecu_reset via UDS; reset level is optional", ) group.add_argument( "--oem", default=self.config.get_value("gallia.protocols.uds.oem", "default"), choices=choices, metavar="OEM", help="The OEM of the ECU, used to choose a OEM specific ECU implementation", ) group.add_argument( "--timeout", default=self.config.get_value("gallia.protocols.uds.timeout", 2), type=float, metavar="SECONDS", help="Timeout value to wait for a response from the ECU", ) group.add_argument( "--max-retries", default=self.config.get_value("gallia.protocols.uds.max_retries", 3), type=int, metavar="INT", help="Number of maximum retries while sending UDS requests", ) group.add_argument( "--ping", action=BooleanOptionalAction, default=self.config.get_value("", True), help="Enable/Disable initial TesterPresent request", ) group.add_argument( "--tester-present-interval", default=self.config.get_value("gallia.protocols.uds.tester_present_interval", 0.5), type=float, metavar="SECONDS", help="Modify the interval of the cyclic tester present packets", ) group.add_argument( "--tester-present", action=BooleanOptionalAction, default=self.config.get_value("gallia.protocols.uds.tester_present", True), help="Enable/Disable tester present background worker", ) group.add_argument( "--properties", default=self.config.get_value("", True), action=BooleanOptionalAction, help="Read and store the ECU proporties prior and after scan", ) group.add_argument( "--compare-properties", default=self.config.get_value("gallia.protocols.uds.compare_properties", True), action=BooleanOptionalAction, help="Compare properties before and after the scan", ) @property def implicit_logging(self) -> bool: return self._implicit_logging @implicit_logging.setter def implicit_logging(self, value: bool) -> None: self._implicit_logging = value if self.db_handler is not None: self._apply_implicit_logging_setting() def _apply_implicit_logging_setting(self) -> None: self.ecu.implicit_logging = self._implicit_logging async def setup(self, args: Namespace) -> None: await super().setup(args) self.ecu = load_ecu(args.oem)( self.transport, timeout=args.timeout, max_retry=args.max_retries, power_supply=self.power_supply, ) self.ecu.db_handler = self.db_handler if self.db_handler is not None: try: # No idea, but str( fails with a strange traceback. # Lets use the attribute directly… await self.db_handler.insert_scan_run( self._apply_implicit_logging_setting() except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Could not write the scan run to the database: {e:!r}") if args.ecu_reset is not None: resp: UDSResponse = await self.ecu.ecu_reset(args.ecu_reset) if isinstance(resp, NegativeResponse): logger.warning(f"ECUReset failed: {resp}") logger.warning("Switching to default session") raise_for_error(await self.ecu.set_session(0x01)) resp = await self.ecu.ecu_reset(args.ecu_reset) if isinstance(resp, NegativeResponse): logger.warning(f"ECUReset in session 0x01 failed: {resp}") # Handles connecting to the target and waits # until it is ready. if await self.ecu.wait_for_ecu() await self.ecu.connect() if args.tester_present: await self.ecu.start_cyclic_tester_present(args.tester_present_interval) if is True: path = self.artifacts_dir.joinpath(FileNames.PROPERTIES_PRE.value) async with, "w") as file: await file.write(json.dumps(await, indent=4)) await file.write("\n") if self.db_handler is not None: try: await self.db_handler.insert_scan_run_properties_pre(await self._apply_implicit_logging_setting() except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Could not write the properties_pre to the database: {e!r}") async def teardown(self, args: Namespace) -> None: if is True and not self.ecu.transport.is_closed: path = self.artifacts_dir.joinpath(FileNames.PROPERTIES_POST.value) async with, "w") as file: await file.write(json.dumps(await, indent=4)) await file.write("\n") path_pre = self.artifacts_dir.joinpath(FileNames.PROPERTIES_PRE.value) async with, "r") as file: prop_pre = json.loads(await if args.compare_properties and await != prop_pre: logger.warning("ecu properties differ, please investigate!") if self.db_handler is not None: try: await self.db_handler.complete_scan_run(await except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Could not write the scan run to the database: {e!r}") if args.tester_present: await self.ecu.stop_cyclic_tester_present() # This must be the last one. await super().teardown(args)
[docs] class UDSDiscoveryScanner(Scanner): GROUP = "discover" def configure_class_parser(self) -> None: super().configure_class_parser() self.parser.add_argument( "--timeout", type=float, default=self.config.get_value("gallia.scanner.timeout", 0.5), help="timeout value for request", ) async def setup(self, args: Namespace) -> None: await super().setup(args) if self.db_handler is not None: try: await self.db_handler.insert_discovery_run( except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Could not write the discovery run to the database: {e!r}")