Source code for gallia.command.base

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: AISEC Pentesting Team
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import asyncio
import dataclasses
import json
import os
import os.path
import shutil
import signal
import sys
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import MutableMapping
from datetime import UTC, datetime
from enum import Enum, unique
from logging import Handler
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import CalledProcessError, run
from tempfile import gettempdir
from typing import Any, Protocol, Self, cast

from pydantic import ConfigDict, field_serializer, model_validator

from gallia import exitcodes
from gallia.command.config import Field, GalliaBaseModel, Idempotent
from gallia.db.handler import DBHandler
from gallia.dumpcap import Dumpcap
from gallia.log import add_zst_log_handler, get_logger, tz
from gallia.power_supply import PowerSupply
from gallia.power_supply.uri import PowerSupplyURI
from import UDSException
from gallia.transports import BaseTransport, TargetURI
from gallia.utils import camel_to_snake, get_file_log_level

class FileNames(Enum):
    META = "META.json"
    ENV = "ENV"
    LOGFILE = "log.json.zst"

class HookVariant(Enum):
    PRE = "pre"
    POST = "post"

class RunMeta:
    command: str
    start_time: str
    end_time: str
    exit_code: int
    config: MutableMapping[str, Any]

    def json(self) -> str:
        return json.dumps(dataclasses.asdict(self))

logger = get_logger(__name__)

if sys.platform.startswith("linux") or sys.platform == "darwin":
    import fcntl

    class Flockable(Protocol):
        def _lock_file_fd(self) -> int | None: ...

    class FlockMixin:
        def _open_lockfile(self, path: Path) -> int | None:
            if not path.exists():

            logger.notice("opening lockfile…")
            return, os.O_RDONLY)

        def _aquire_flock(self: Flockable) -> None:
            assert self._lock_file_fd is not None

                # First do a non blocking flock. If waiting is required,
                # log a message and do a blocking wait afterwards.
                fcntl.flock(self._lock_file_fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
            except BlockingIOError:
                logger.notice("waiting for flock…")
                fcntl.flock(self._lock_file_fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
  "Acquired lock. Continuing…")

        def _release_flock(self: Flockable) -> None:
            assert self._lock_file_fd is not None
            fcntl.flock(self._lock_file_fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN)

if sys.platform == "win32":

    class FlockMixin:
        def _open_lockfile(self, path: Path) -> int | None:
            logger.warn("lockfile in windows is not supported")
            return None

        def _aquire_flock(self) -> None:

        def _release_flock(self) -> None:

class BaseCommandConfig(GalliaBaseModel, cli_group="generic", config_section="gallia"):
    model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True)

    verbose: int = Field(0, description="increase verbosity on the console", short="v")
    volatile_info: bool = Field(
        True, description="Overwrite log lines with level info or lower in terminal output"
    trace_log: bool = Field(False, description="set the loglevel of the logfile to TRACE")
    pre_hook: str | None = Field(
        description="shell script to run before the main entry_point",
    post_hook: str | None = Field(
        description="shell script to run after the main entry_point",
    hooks: bool = Field(
        True, description="execute pre and post hooks", config_section="gallia.hooks"
    lock_file: Path | None = Field(
        None, description="path to file used for a posix lock", metavar="PATH"
    db: Path | None = Field(None, description="Path to sqlite3 database")
    artifacts_dir: Path | None = Field(
        None, description="Folder for artifacts", metavar="DIR", config_section="gallia.scanner"
    artifacts_base: Path = Field(
        description="Base directory for artifacts",

[docs] class BaseCommand(FlockMixin, ABC): """BaseCommand is the baseclass for all gallia commands. This class can be used in standalone scripts via the gallia command line interface facility. This class needs to be subclassed and all the abstract methods need to be implemented. The artifacts_dir is generated based on the COMMAND, GROUP, SUBGROUP properties (falls back to the class name if all three are not set). The main entry_point is :meth:`entry_point()`. """ # The config type which is accepted by this class # This is used for automatically creating the CLI CONFIG_TYPE: type[BaseCommandConfig] = BaseCommandConfig #: The string which is shown on the cli with --help. SHORT_HELP: str | None = None #: The string which is shown at the bottom of --help. EPILOG: str | None = None #: Enable a artifacts_dir. Setting this property to #: True enables the creation of a logfile. HAS_ARTIFACTS_DIR: bool = False #: A list of exception types for which tracebacks are #: suppressed at the top level. For these exceptions #: a log message with level critical is logged. CATCHED_EXCEPTIONS: list[type[Exception]] = [] log_file_handlers: list[Handler] def __init__(self, config: BaseCommandConfig) -> None: = camel_to_snake(self.__class__.__name__) self.config = config self.artifacts_dir = Path() self.run_meta = RunMeta( command=f"{type(self).__module__}.{type(self).__name__}",, exit_code=0, end_time="", config=json.loads(config.model_dump_json()), ) self._lock_file_fd: int | None = None self.db_handler: DBHandler | None = None self.log_file_handlers = [] @abstractmethod def run(self) -> int: ... def run_hook(self, variant: HookVariant, exit_code: int | None = None) -> None: script = self.config.pre_hook if variant == HookVariant.PRE else self.config.post_hook if script is None or script == "": return hook_id = f"{variant.value}-hook" argv = sys.argv[:] argv[0] = Path(argv[0]).name env = { "GALLIA_ARTIFACTS_DIR": str(self.artifacts_dir), "GALLIA_HOOK": variant.value, "GALLIA_INVOCATION": " ".join(argv), } | os.environ if variant == HookVariant.POST: env["GALLIA_META"] = self.run_meta.json() if exit_code is not None: env["GALLIA_EXIT_CODE"] = str(exit_code) try: p = run(script, env=env, text=True, capture_output=True, shell=True, check=True) stdout = p.stdout stderr = p.stderr except CalledProcessError as e: logger.warning(f"{variant.value}-hook failed (exit code: {p.returncode})") stdout = e.stdout stderr = e.stderr if stdout:, extra={"tags": [hook_id, "stdout"]}) if stderr:, extra={"tags": [hook_id, "stderr"]}) async def _db_insert_run_meta(self) -> None: if self.config.db is not None: self.db_handler = DBHandler(self.config.db) await self.db_handler.connect() await self.db_handler.insert_run_meta( script=self.run_meta.command, config=self.config,, path=self.artifacts_dir, ) async def _db_finish_run_meta(self) -> None: if self.db_handler is not None and self.db_handler.connection is not None: if self.db_handler.meta is not None: try: await self.db_handler.complete_run_meta(, self.run_meta.exit_code, self.artifacts_dir ) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Could not write the run meta to the database: {e!r}") try: await self.db_handler.disconnect() # CancelledError appears only on windows; it is unclear why this happens… except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Could not close the database connection properly: {e!r}") except asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError as e: logger.error(f"BUG: {e!r} occured. This only seems to happen on windows") logger.error( "If you can reproduce this, open an issue:" ) def _dump_environment(self, path: Path) -> None: environ = cast(dict[str, str], os.environ) data = [f"{k}={v}" for k, v in environ.items()] path.write_text("\n".join(data) + "\n") def _add_latest_link(self, path: Path) -> None: dirs = list(path.glob("run-*")) dirs.sort(key=lambda x: latest_dir = dirs[-1].relative_to(path) symlink = path.joinpath("LATEST") symlink.unlink(missing_ok=True) try: symlink.symlink_to(latest_dir) except (OSError, NotImplementedError) as e: logger.warn(f"symlink error: {e}") def prepare_artifactsdir( self, base_dir: Path | None = None, force_path: Path | None = None ) -> Path: if force_path is not None: if force_path.is_dir(): return force_path force_path.mkdir(parents=True) return force_path if base_dir is not None: _command_dir = command_dir = base_dir.joinpath(_command_dir) _run_dir = f"run-{'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.%f')}" artifacts_dir = command_dir.joinpath(_run_dir).absolute() artifacts_dir.mkdir(parents=True) self._dump_environment(artifacts_dir.joinpath(FileNames.ENV.value)) self._add_latest_link(command_dir) return artifacts_dir.absolute() raise ValueError("base_dir or force_path must be different from None") def entry_point(self) -> int: if (p := self.config.lock_file) is not None: try: self._lock_file_fd = self._open_lockfile(p) self._aquire_flock() except OSError as e: logger.critical(f"Unable to lock {p}: {e}") return exitcodes.OSFILE if self.HAS_ARTIFACTS_DIR: self.artifacts_dir = self.prepare_artifactsdir( self.config.artifacts_base, self.config.artifacts_dir ) self.log_file_handlers.append( add_zst_log_handler( logger_name="gallia", filepath=self.artifacts_dir.joinpath(FileNames.LOGFILE.value), file_log_level=get_file_log_level(self.config), ) ) if self.config.hooks: self.run_hook(HookVariant.PRE) exit_code = 0 try: exit_code = except KeyboardInterrupt: exit_code = 128 + signal.SIGINT # Ensure that META.json gets written in the case a # command calls sys.exit(). except SystemExit as e: match e.code: case int(): exit_code = e.code case _: exit_code = exitcodes.SOFTWARE except Exception as e: for t in self.CATCHED_EXCEPTIONS: if isinstance(e, t): # TODO: Map the exitcode to superclass of builtin exceptions. exit_code = exitcodes.IOERR logger.critical(f"Caught expected exception, stack trace on debug level: {e!r}") logger.debug(e, exc_info=True) break else: exit_code = exitcodes.SOFTWARE logger.critical(e, exc_info=True) finally: self.run_meta.exit_code = exit_code self.run_meta.end_time = if self.HAS_ARTIFACTS_DIR: self.artifacts_dir.joinpath(FileNames.META.value).write_text( self.run_meta.json() + "\n" ) logger.notice(f"Stored artifacts at {self.artifacts_dir}") if self.config.hooks: self.run_hook(HookVariant.POST, exit_code) if self._lock_file_fd is not None: self._release_flock() return exit_code
class ScriptConfig( BaseCommandConfig, ABC, cli_group=BaseCommandConfig._cli_group, config_section=BaseCommandConfig._config_section, ): pass
[docs] class Script(BaseCommand, ABC): """Script is a base class for a synchronous gallia command. To implement a script, create a subclass and implement the .main() method.""" GROUP = "script" def setup(self) -> None: ... @abstractmethod def main(self) -> None: ... def teardown(self) -> None: ... def run(self) -> int: self.setup() try: self.main() finally: self.teardown() return exitcodes.OK
class AsyncScriptConfig( BaseCommandConfig, ABC, cli_group=BaseCommandConfig._cli_group, config_section=BaseCommandConfig._config_section, ): pass
[docs] class AsyncScript(BaseCommand, ABC): """AsyncScript is a base class for a asynchronous gallia command. To implement an async script, create a subclass and implement the .main() method.""" GROUP = "script" async def setup(self) -> None: ... @abstractmethod async def main(self) -> None: ... async def teardown(self) -> None: ... async def _run(self) -> None: await self.setup() try: await self.main() finally: await self.teardown() def run(self) -> int: return exitcodes.OK
class ScannerConfig(AsyncScriptConfig, cli_group="scanner", config_section="gallia.scanner"): dumpcap: bool = Field( sys.platform.startswith("linux"), description="Enable/Disable creating a pcap file" ) target: Idempotent[TargetURI] = Field( description="URI that describes the target", metavar="TARGET" ) power_supply: Idempotent[PowerSupplyURI] | None = Field( None, description="URI specifying the location of the relevant opennetzteil server", metavar="URI", ) power_cycle: bool = Field( False, description="use the configured power supply to power-cycle the ECU when needed (e.g. before starting the scan, or to recover bad state during scanning)", ) power_cycle_sleep: float = Field( 5.0, description="time to sleep after the power-cycle", metavar="SECs" ) @field_serializer("target", "power_supply") def serialize_target_uri(self, target_uri: TargetURI | None) -> Any: if target_uri is None: return None return target_uri.raw @model_validator(mode="after") def check_power_supply_required(self) -> Self: if self.power_cycle and self.power_supply is None: raise ValueError("power-cycle needs power-supply") return self
[docs] class Scanner(AsyncScript, ABC): """Scanner is a base class for all scanning related commands. A scanner has the following properties: - It is async. - It loads transports via TargetURIs; available via `self.transport`. - Controlling PowerSupplies via the opennetzteil API is supported. - `setup()` can be overwritten (do not forget to call `super().setup()`) for preparation tasks, such as establishing a network connection or starting background tasks. - pcap logfiles can be recorded via a Dumpcap background task. - `teardown()` can be overwritten (do not forget to call `super().teardown()`) for cleanup tasks, such as terminating a network connection or background tasks. - `main()` is the relevant entry_point for the scanner and must be implemented. """ HAS_ARTIFACTS_DIR = True CATCHED_EXCEPTIONS: list[type[Exception]] = [ConnectionError, UDSException] def __init__(self, config: ScannerConfig): super().__init__(config) self.config: ScannerConfig = config self.power_supply: PowerSupply | None = None self.transport: BaseTransport self.dumpcap: Dumpcap | None = None @abstractmethod async def main(self) -> None: ... async def setup(self) -> None: from gallia.plugins.plugin import load_transport if self.config.power_supply is not None: self.power_supply = await PowerSupply.connect(self.config.power_supply) if self.config.power_cycle is True: await self.power_supply.power_cycle( self.config.power_cycle_sleep, lambda: asyncio.sleep(2) ) # Start dumpcap as the first subprocess; otherwise network # traffic might be missing. if self.config.dumpcap: if shutil.which("dumpcap") is None: raise RuntimeError("--dumpcap specified but `dumpcap` is not available") self.dumpcap = await Dumpcap.start(, self.artifacts_dir) if self.dumpcap is None: logger.error("`dumpcap` could not be started!") else: await self.dumpcap.sync() self.transport = await load_transport( async def teardown(self) -> None: await self.transport.close() if self.dumpcap: await self.dumpcap.stop()