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This interfaces is an extension of MutableCollection that holds specific functions for the collection of Edge edges.

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abstract class EdgeList<NodeType : Node, EdgeType : Edge<NodeType>>(var thisRef: Node, var init: (start: Node, end: NodeType) -> EdgeType, var outgoing: Boolean = true, var onAdd: (EdgeType) -> Unit? = null, var onRemove: (EdgeType) -> Unit? = null) : ArrayList<EdgeType> , EdgeCollection<NodeType, EdgeType>

This class extends a list of edges. This allows us to use lists of edges more conveniently.

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abstract class EdgeSet<NodeType : Node, EdgeType : Edge<NodeType>>(var thisRef: Node, var init: (start: Node, end: NodeType) -> EdgeType, var outgoing: Boolean = true, var onAdd: (EdgeType) -> Unit? = null, var onRemove: (EdgeType) -> Unit? = null) : HashSet<EdgeType> , EdgeCollection<NodeType, EdgeType>

This class extends a list of property edges. This allows us to use list of property edges more conveniently.

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open class EdgeSingletonList<NodeType : Node, NullableNodeType : NodeType?, EdgeType : Edge<NodeType>>(var thisRef: Node, var init: (Node, NodeType) -> EdgeType, var onChanged: (old: EdgeType?, new: EdgeType?) -> Unit? = null, var outgoing: Boolean, of: NullableNodeType) : EdgeCollection<NodeType, EdgeType>

This is a MAJOR workaround since Neo4J OGM does not allow to use our (generic) Edge class for our AST edges. See

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This interface can be used for edge collections, which "mirror" its content to another property. This can be used to automatically populate next/prev flow edges.

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An intelligent MutableCollection wrapper around an EdgeCollection which supports iterating, adding and removing Node elements. Basis for UnwrappedEdgeList and UnwrappedEdgeSet.

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An intelligent MutableList wrapper around an EdgeList which supports iterating, adding and removing Node elements.

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An intelligent MutableSet wrapper around an EdgeSet which supports iterating, adding and removing Node elements.