Checks if the Node n
connects to the nodes in refs
over the CPGS EOG graph edges that depict the evaluation order. The parameter q defines if all edges of interest to node must connect to an edge in refs or one is enough, cn and cr define whether the passed AST nodes themselves are used to search the connections or the EOG Border nodes in the AST subnode. Finally, en defines whether the EOG edges go * from n to r in refs or the inverse.
true if all/any of the connections from node connect to n.
The quantifier, all or any node of n must connect to refs, defaults to ALL.
NODE if n itself is the node to connect or SUBTREE if the EOG borders are of interest. Defaults to SUBTREE
The Edge direction and therefore the borders of n to connect to refs
Node of interest
NODE if refs nodes itself are the nodes to connect or SUBTREE if the EOG borders are of interest
All edges must have the specified branch property
Multiple reference nodes that can be passed as varargs