
open class IdentitySet<T> : MutableSet<T>

This class implements the MutableSet interface with an underlying map and reference-equality instead of object-equality. That means, objects are only considered equal, if they are the same object. This logic is primarily implemented by the underlying IdentityHashMap.

The use case of this MutableSet is quite simple: In order to avoid loops while traversing in the CPG AST we often need to store Node objects in a work-list (usually a set), in order to filter out nodes that were already visited or processed (for example, see SubgraphWalker.flattenAST. However, using a normal set triggers object-equality functions, such as Node.hashCode or even worse Node.equals, if the hashcode is the same. This can potentially be very resource-intensive if nodes are very similar but not the same, in a work-list however we only want just to avoid to place the exact node twice.


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This computed property returns the common type in a Collection of Type objects. For example, if two types A and B both derive from the interface C`` then C` would be returned.

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open override val size: Int


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open override fun add(element: T): Boolean
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open override fun addAll(elements: Collection<T>): Boolean
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fun <T : Node> Collection<T>?.byNameOrNull(lookup: String, modifier: SearchModifier): T?

This function returns the first node that matches the name on the supplied list of nodes.

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open override fun clear()
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open operator override fun contains(element: T): Boolean
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open override fun containsAll(elements: Collection<T>): Boolean
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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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operator fun <T : Node> Collection<T>?.get(predicate: (T) -> Boolean, modifier: SearchModifier = SearchModifier.NONE): T?

A shortcut to call firstOrNull using the [] syntax.

operator fun <T : Node> Collection<T>?.get(lookup: String, modifier: SearchModifier = SearchModifier.NONE): T?

A shortcut to call byNameOrNull using the [] syntax.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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operator fun <T : Node> Collection<T>.invoke(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): List<T>

A shortcut invoke filter on a list of nodes.

operator fun <T : Node> Collection<T>.invoke(lookup: String): List<T>

A shortcut to filter a list of nodes by their name.

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open override fun isEmpty(): Boolean
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open operator override fun iterator(): MutableIterator<T>
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open override fun remove(element: T): Boolean
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open override fun removeAll(elements: Collection<T>): Boolean
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open override fun retainAll(elements: Collection<T>): Boolean
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Returns the contents of this IdentitySet as a sorted List according to order the nodes were inserted to. This is particularly useful, if you need to look up values in the list according to their "closeness" to the root AST node.

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infix fun <T> IdentitySet<T>.union(other: Iterable<T>): IdentitySet<T>