
abstract class Edge<NodeType : Node> : Persistable, Cloneable

This class represents an edge between two Node objects in a Neo4J graph. It can be used to store additional information that relate to the relationship between the two nodes that belong to neither of the two nodes directly.

An example would be the name (in this case a) of an argument between a CallExpression (foo) and its argument (a Literal of 2) in languages that support keyword arguments, such as Python:

foo("bar", a = 2)



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constructor(start: Node, end: NodeType)
constructor(edge: Edge<NodeType>)


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object Companion
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inner class Delegate<ThisType : Node>


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The type of dependence (e.g. control or data or none). This field is intentionally nullable, because not all Edge edges are selected in the PDG. This selection is performed in the ProgramDependenceGraphPass.

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var index: Int?

The index of this node, if it is stored in an de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.graph.edges.collections.EdgeList.

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abstract var labels: Set<String>
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var name: String?

An optional name.

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var start: Node


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open override fun clone(): Edge<NodeType>
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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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Returns the Persistable's properties. This DOES NOT include relationships, but only properties directly attached to the node/edge.

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open override fun toString(): String