# Environment Variables For some cases `gallia` can be configured with environment variables. `gallia`-specific variables begin with `GALLIA_`. GALLIA_CONFIG : The path to the config file usually called `gallia.toml`. Disables autodiscovery of the config. GALLIA_LOGLEVEL : When {meth}`gallia.log.setup_logging()` is called without an argument this environment variable is read to set the loglevel. Supported value are: `trace`, `debug`, `info`, `notice`, `warning`, `error`, `critical`. As an alternative, the int values from 0 to 7 can be used. Mostly useful in own scripts or tests. This variable is not read when using the gallia cli. NO_COLOR : If this variable is set, `gallia` by default does not use color codes, see: https://no-color.org/