Package-level declarations
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open class CLanguage : Language<CXXLanguageFrontend> , HasStructs, HasFunctionPointers, HasQualifier, HasElaboratedTypeSpecifier, HasShortCircuitOperators, HasGlobalVariables, HasGlobalFunctions
The C language.
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open class CPPLanguage : CLanguage, HasDefaultArguments, HasTemplates, HasStructs, HasClasses, HasUnknownType, HasFunctionStyleCasts, HasFunctionOverloading, HasOperatorOverloading, HasImplicitReceiver
The C++ language.
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abstract class CXXHandler<S : Node, T : IASTNode>(configConstructor: Supplier<S>, lang: CXXLanguageFrontend) : Handler<S, T, CXXLanguageFrontend>
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open class CXXLanguageFrontend(language: Language<CXXLanguageFrontend>, ctx: TranslationContext) : LanguageFrontend<IASTNode, IASTTypeId>
The language frontend for translating C/C++ languages into the graph. It uses Eclipse CDT to parse the actual source code into an AST.
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This class is a CXXHandler which takes care of translating C/C++ declarations into Declaration nodes. It heavily relies on its sibling handler, the DeclaratorHandler.
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Takes care of translating a declarator into a Declaration.
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Note: CDT expresses hierarchies in Interfaces to allow to have multi-inheritance in java. Because some Expressions have sub elements of type IASTInitializerClause and in the hierarchy IASTExpression extends IASTInitializerClause. The later is the appropriate Interface type for the handler.
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class ParameterDeclarationHandler(lang: CXXLanguageFrontend) : CXXHandler<Declaration, IASTParameterDeclaration>
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