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The Interactive CLI

If you want to explore the graph from the command line, we provide an interactive interface for this.

To build the interface from source, simply type ./gradlew :cpg-console:installDist from the root of the repository. You can then start the CLI with cpg-console/build/install/cpg-console/bin/cpg-console.

The CLI comes with only few basic commands: * :tr <path> or :translate <path> translates the file(s) under the given path. * :c <node> or :code <node> prints the code of the given node * :e neo4j <username> <password> exports the graph to neo4j * :translateCompilationDatabase <path> or :trdb <path> translates the source code files using the provided compilation database into the CPG * :r or :run runs two pre-defined analyzers: a null pointer check or an out-of-bounds check * :help prints a help text with available commands * :q quits the session

After translating a file/project, the translation result will be kept in result. You can now explore all edges and nodes in the graph as in any kotlin project. You can also use the shortcuts or the analyses provided by the Query API.


[0] :tr  cpg-analysis/src/test/resources/value_evaluation/
[10] val mainFun = result.functions["main"]
[20] :code mainFun!!
  2: public static void main(String[] args) {
  3:         int[] array = new int[3];
  4:         for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
  5:             array[i] = i;
  6:         }
  7:         System.out.println(array[1]);
  9:         String str = "abcde";
  10:         System.out.println(str);
  11:         return 0;
  12:     }

[21] sizeof(mainFun.calls["println"]!!.arguments[0]).value
res21: Int = 3
[22] :q
